The following conditions prevent me from performing a massage, due to ethical reasons, legal policies, and standards of practice. (Absolute Contraindications)
Acute conditions requiring immediate first aid or medical attention:
atelectasis (collapsed lung)
cerebrovascular accident (stoke)
diabetic coma or insulin shock
ectopic pregnancy
myocardial infarction (heart attack)
severe asthmatic attack, status asthmaticus
syncope (feinting)
transient Ischemic Attack
traumatic injury
After a stroke or heart attack where the condition has not stabilized
Advanced kidney failure, respiratory failure, liver failure (a heavily modified massage may be possible with medical consent)
Cancer: Highly metastatic cancers not judged terminal
Diabetes with complications
advanced heart or kidney disease
unstable or very high blood pressure
Hemophilia (moderate to severe)
head lice
body lice
pubic lice
Severe atherosclerosis
Severe or unstable hypertension
Significant fever (101.5 F, 38 C)
Systemic flare-up of inflammatory conditions:
ankylosing spondylitis
rheumatoid arthritis
Systemic contagious condition
COVID-19 uncleared of contagion
acute urinary tract infection
highly contagious skin conditions
*staph infection
*strep infectionosteomyelitis
severe systemic infection or infection persisting for more than 2 weeks: bacterial, cold,
bronchitis, sinusitis, influenza, lyme disease
Traumatic Head injury with concussion symptoms that have not been medically cleared
Drug Use: Visible mental impairment from pharmaceutical drugs
Drug Use: Visible intoxication from drugs use (alcohol, recreational substances, illegal substances)
Use of creams, lotions, or essential oils in which the client or therapist has a diagnosed allergy
Specific areas on the body I will not massage, due to medical conditions (Local Contraindications).
In the context of a full body massage, only the specific areas that are contraindicated will not be massaged.
Areas of Acute Flare-Up of Inflammatory Arthritis
ankylosing spondylitis
rheumatoid arthritis
lyme disease
Acute neuritis (nerve pain)
Acute traumatic joint injuries (dislocation, subluxation)
Acute trigeminal neuralgia
Acute bone fracture
Acute state of moderate to severe contusion (muscle bruising)
Acute state of moderate to severe hematoma (soft tissue bruising)
Aneurisms deemed life threatening (for example abdominal aorta)
Cancer: unstable malignancy or undiagnosed lump
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (formally Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and Causalgia) were there is intolerance to touch
Esophageal Varicosities
Hernia: Direct pressure on abdominal or inguinal hernia
Local Contagious Skin Infection
Fungal Infections
Herpes Simplex
Non-contagious Impetigo infections of the skin (doctors note is required for confirmation of contagious state)
Non-contagious Staphylococcus infections of the skin (doctors note is required for confirmation of contagious state)
Non-contagious Streptococcal infections of the skin (doctors note is required for confirmation of contagious state)
Area of an Irritable Skin Condition
Active acute acne vulgaris
Acute flare-up of eczema
Flare-up of dermatitis
Acute angioedema (allergic reaction, poison ivy)
Insect bites
Open wound, sore, lesion, or ulcer
Recent burn except for mild sunburn
Temporal arteritis
Thrombosis, phlebitis, or arteritis in a major circulatory channel: massage directly or further down
from the areaVaricose Veins: massage directly on the varicose vein
Medical Treatment:
Anti-inflammatory injection site: 24 to 48 hours
Corticosteroid injection site: 14 to 21 days
Botox injection site: 24 to 48 hours
Short-duration medical injection site: (vaccines, saline, IV, antibiotics, local anesthetic, epidural, insulin, spinal tap, narcotics): 2 hours to 2 days, depending on presentation
Post-radiation treatment site: Up to 3 days
Acute and early subacute stage post-surgical scars
Direct pressure to a medicinal patch or medicinal implant (testosterone implant, etc.)
Direct pressure to a mechanical implant (pacemaker, etc.)