Ongoing Sanitary Protocols

To minimize the spread of COVID-19 and other communicable illnesses, Cedaroak has committed to the following Illinois preventative protocols to prevent infection and ensure client safety.

For other information, visit our frequently asked questions and trust and safety pages.

 protocols to ensure the community is safe:

  • In the event that Christopher Wood or any therapist associated with CedarOak experiences communicable illness symptoms, they will not be perform in-house massage until they have been asymptomatic for at least 3 days.

Therapist protocols to ensure that the client is safe:

Christopher Wood or any therapist associated with CedarOak will perform the following sanitary procedures:

  • A face mask that covers the nose and mouth will be worn at the therapists and/or client’s discretion.

  • Therapists will sanitize and disinfect all equipment with a broad spectrum cleaner between appointments.

  • Therapists will sanitize and disinfect all equipment transfer bags and carrying cases before loading equipment and sheets into them.

  • Therapists will provide fresh, laundered bedding, or use client’s own sheets if they prefer.

  • Therapists will wear freshly laundered clothes.

  • Therapists will wash hands before physical contact with client, upon arrival and beginning of massage.

  • Upon a client’s request, therapists will use protective gloves.

Therapist Protocols for Updated Information:

Christopher Wood or any therapist associated with CedarOak will do the following:

  • Provide additional urgent information and updates as soon as possible.

  • Provide additional non-urgent follow-up information and updates upon request.

Client Guidelines to Ensure Therapist Safety

As part of a collaborative effort, CedarOak recommends the clients follow the subsequent guidelines:

Booking an Appointment:

  • Clients should refrain from booking a session if they or a member of their household has a fever or any communicable illness.

  • Clients should refrain from booking a session if they or any member of their household not been cleared by a doctor or have experienced any communicable illness symptoms within the past three days.

  • Clients should refrain from booking a session if they or any member of their household in your household has knowingly been exposed to COVID-19.

Sanitation and Hygiene:

  • Clients may wear a face mask.

  • Clients should be reasonably hygienically clean at the time of service and are encouraged to shower before an appointment.

  • Clients should share any special sanitation or hygiene requests prior to the therapist arriving for an in-home massage appointment. 

  • Clients may offer masks/gloves and no-contact thermometers to therapists at their discretion.

  • Clients may have a hand towel ready to sneeze or cough into, or wear a face mask that covers your nose and mouth.

  • Clients can offer to use their own freshly-laundered sheets if they prefer.

  • Clients should provide a kitchen sink, powder room, or bathroom for the therapist to wash his/her hands.